We have developed our in-house expertise for PLEXOS implementation projects. This effectively means creating custom models of power system utilities and transmission system operators and running simulation analysis with the guidance and support of our partners from Energy Exemplar enabled us to dive into details of backstage PLEXOS programming. Consequentially, we can provide our clients with the relevant information on reliable projections of electricity and gas prices, allowing for further development based on the anticipated results and indicators.

We work closely with our clients to outline the implementation objectives and design the most adequate solution for implementation. The implementation process includes definition of technical requirements and preparation of templates with the information required to build the database and set up the models.  Once the data has been delivered, the information is being converted into PLEXOS format and database populated using PLEXOS software which includes the configuration of the system and setup of model parameters, representation of operating rules and other system characteristics. Next step is to conduct calibration and start testing process to guarantee that the outputs are closely aligned with real time operation and our clients’ expectations.

The implemented PLEXOS database is subject to User Acceptance Test when Client verifies the configuration and outputs of the model. 

Transmission and distribution network modelling is based on our power systems team’s extensive experience in using power system analysis software, such as PSS/E, DIGSILENT, PSCAD and ETAP, allowing us to address any possible steady state, stability and/or electromagnetic transient issues in the network prior to their occurrence or to resolve problems in the existing and future networks. We offer our unique expertise to help solve the greatest challenges in power system operation and are willing to go “an additional mile” to give our clients creative solution and bring added values.

Our capabilities for power system studies include the following:

• Load flow analysis
• Contingency analysis
• Reactive power compensation study
• Fault level analysis
• System optimization
• Voltage stability
• EMT studies
• Power quality studies
• Protection coordination study
• Dynamic stability studies

Furthermore, we perform studies to assess the reliability of a network power system by designing the simulation of both planned and random network outages. These studies test the robustness of the network system by rapidly processing thousands of outage scenarios, which results in calculated LOLE and LOLP, as well as other reliability indices.

We are committed to advocating the solutions which allow energy production from carbon-free sources of energy.

Models we produce and test in PLEXOS can be used to obtain results for numerous renewable energy and grid storage technologies using hourly and sub-hourly techniques. The main goal here is to perform optimization of intermittent generation usage.

After performing techno-economic analysis in PLEXOS, we continue with network studies using power system analysis software in which we are skilled to work. We conduct feasibility studies for new generation, as well as grid integration and grid compliance studies for clients worldwide according to applicable grid codes.

Our experts have also great experience in developing integrate resources plans (IRP) in Africa and Caribbean islands on country level which include determining techno-economic optimum  of renewable penetration.

In addition to performing network studies, implementation and integration of new generation assets, our resources allow for optimum generation and transmission expansion planning over any timeframe.

Capacity expansion planning module built into the comprehensive production model enables us to control the desired level of accuracy of production cost model.

After performing financial and cost-benefit analyses, the results can be used for long-term predictions as well as for the presentation to the end users and other engaged stakeholders.

We can thoroughly examine the effect of a range of proposed electricity market developments and regulations on generation mix, inter-regional flows, prices and profits, and provide accurate and reliable projections.

We have extensive experience in modelling developed electricity market in Europe and Australia, allowing us to analyse progression from day-ahead clearing prices to long-term price forecasts, using PLEXOS rigorous fundamental market framework which offers unparalleled options for electric price forecasting, starting from cost-based short-term marginal costs to competitive bidding.

We have experience in the field of congestion management, cross-border trade mechanisms and balancing requirements.

One of the significant operational challenges nowadays is to streamline numerous planning and operation calculations into common business processes and reduce the time spent on data handling and manipulation.

As a practical solution, at go2power we offer our experience in various data conversion and automation tools adapted to the specific needs of the client. We build interface between different software and applications. Some of the services we offer include big data handling and manipulation, application of machine-learning algorithms for data analysis, python scripting and custom reporting and visualization automation.

We have worked on data conversion between PLEXOS on one side and PSS/E and DIgSILENT software on the other, and automation of their calculations to get a “single-click” solution. We create custom-made features, modules and solutions that meet clients’ business needs and provide complete end-to-end tailored solutions empowered with the latest Python features. Our most recent project is conversion of specific ENTSO-e data templates used in the whole Europe to PLEXOS models.

Smart Grids are playing the vital role in energy transition and our team is at the forefront of it. We have worked on a number of smart grid projects that include design of modern protection and automation solutions, telecommunication interfaces and SCADA/EMS systems used of operation of national grids. Our team has been involved in all project phases, from feasibility studies and conceptual design to detail design.

Beside protection coordination studies for large transmission and industrial networks (up to 400kV) and large generation connections (up to 1500MW) we can also provide detail protection relay settings and design of the communication interfaces.

We have provided service for several National Control Centre upgrade projects by defining the communication architecture concepts and the complete control room environment including numerous interfaces with other real-time and business systems.

Go2Power Consulting experts have provided trainings and workshops to worldwide clients, from electric utilities, transmission system operators and national control centres to oil and gas companies in the field of power system analysis. We offer specialised courses for PLEXOS, PSS/E, PSCAD and DIGSILENT software. 

Training courses provide tailored approach to our clients’ needs including all aspects of power systems theory, capacity expansion, optimum dispatch, transmission and distribution planning, market analysis and practical implementation of projects, including feasibility studies and cost-benefit analysis.

We combine our experience and authenticity to create a client-specific mix of on-the-job training and formal training, resulting in the best uptake of knowledge. We offer the opportunity to provide formal focused and intensive training in both our and our clients’ offices, and online sessions are also a possibility. Training courses may last for up to 4 weeks and they can cover basics only or advanced level knowledge.