Our solving-methods are based on advanced energy software packages: PLEXOS for generation optimization, cost benefit analysis and market analysis, and DigSILENT, PSS®E, ETAP and PSCAD for network studies.

PLEXOS is our star software which we use for short and medium-term expansion planning (including day ahead unit commitment), dispatch optimization of power and water (widely used in Gulf countries in the Middle East), renewable integration studies, cost benefit analysis, reliability and feasibility studies.

DIgSILENT is being used to conduct load flow, contingency analysis, short circuit calculations, reactive power compensation, power quality analysis, and transient and dynamic stability analysis in transmission networks.

In case you are interested in electromagnetic transient (EMT) studies, we can provide the solution by using PSCAD.

We are highly qualified to perform system analysis using PSS/e for industrial and distribution networks.